Eclectic original from Cult accordion ensembles, string quartets & Jazz-ska to alt-country, nu-folk, roots & rockabilly.

Want to play a gig at the Wheaty? Email us at:

PS: no cover bands or ultra-loud combos please

OAKEY (2D) ish

Known for her large sculptures and installations, "2D (ish)" offers the chance to see a collection of new sculptural wall works by OAKEY. Exploring geometry and organic textures with different forms and materials, this exhibition brings together big ideas on a small scale. 
To see a large-scale sculpture of OAKEY's during SALA head to "PLEXUS @ Queens Theatre" and "PLEXUS @ Carrick Hill" in the SALA guide. OAKEY is also in the group show "Memory Palace 5000" at Adelaide City Library.
Thursday 4 July
6.00 PM
Monday 5 August
OAKEY (2D) ish

Southern Gravy

Join Adelaide artists Alice Dolling and Rory Marchant as they focus on local culture and the importance of food and places. Works include Paintings, drawings, photographic collage, and more in a wide range or styles and approaches. 
Thursday 8 August
6.00 PM
Tuesday 3 September
Southern Gravy